
Analyse your documents with TextMine

Information being extracted from documents
Electronic documents are the backbone of business operations

However, they are not machine readable which means that the operations they power require manual document processing

TextMine’s versatile AI powered document technology

empowers enterprises to better deal with business critical documents such as contracts, onboarding questionnaires, POs and invoices.

Solutions for teams

We make teamwork easy


Procurement teams use TextMine to keep on top of supplier contracts, SOWs and connect contract data to spend data.


Finance teams process POs accurately in order to reduce incorrect invoicing by 99%.


Compliance teams can review documents faster and more accurately which helps accelerate the client onboarding whilst reducing risk.

CIOs and CDOs

TextMine helps CIOs and CDOs adopt AI, migrate to new document metadata to new software platforms.

CIOs and CDOs

Answer critical questions about your documents with TextMine!

Effortlessly organise and categorise your documents for seamless document management.